Wednesday, April 7, 2010

A New Day.

How often do you wake up and tell yourself "today is a new day"? I have to admit that most mornings I just roll out of bed and don't give the day another thought. I silently shift into automatic pilot as I trudge down the hall towards the kitchen. I pour out the old coffee and begin the new. So it goes, day in and day out.

But sometimes, every once in a while, something will happen that changes all of that. Yesterday I got beaten up. I probably deserved some of my licks, but it didn't change the fact that by the end of the day I knew that my time in graduate school was over and that it hadn't ended happily, or prettily. I didn't happen the way I wanted or the way I expected. I just happened, and I was powerless to stop it. But you know what? There are a lot of things in life that don't go the way I want or expect, and getting bent out of shape over them isn't going to bring back yesterday or undo all the things that were said and done.

That is that, as they say. Now, I don't want to sound glib, but when I rolled out of bed this morning, when I was trudging down the hall, when I was making that first pot of coffee, something was different. I could feel it. It was right there in front of me. Today is a new day.It is a new beginning. It is the first day after graduate school. I'm out. I'm done. My new life starts today, and it is a bit daunting.

Let's be clear, there are still quite a few odds and ends to sort out from the past life. There are still accusations to clear up. There is the question of what degree I will end up with since it is clearly not the much anticipated MFA. What will it be? Education? Humanities? I don't know. But I have thousands of dollars and as many hours invested and I don't think I am just going to walk away from all that. No, something has to come of that.

And then there is the blog. Why a new blog? well the old blog was great, but there is a lot of personal information in there that I need to tuck away for a time while I get things sorted out. That and, well, let's just leave it there for now. Attorneys to call, guidance counselors and Deans. Today is a new day, and it is shaping up to be a busy one!

1 comment:

  1. From Lost:

    Monk: Desmond, you're just not meant to be a monk.

    Desmond: Then what am I going to do?

    Monk: Whatever comes next.
